Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and EMF Hypersensitivity


Hypersensitivity to Environmental Chemicals and EMF’s leads to Chronic Fatigue and Brain Fog At Forum Health Austin in Austin, Texas, we often see folks who describe hypersensitivity to multiple environmental chemicals and electromagnetic radiation or EMF’s. Most patients describe their Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or EMF Hypersensitivity as being progressive.  Initially, they only notice symptoms on […]

Is Stress Making You Sick?


By Dr. Wally Taylor Tina’s Story Tina recently came to see me as a new patient in my clinic. Tina had always been a worrier and she had battled feeling anxious and having trouble sleeping through the night for years. These had been manageable problems for her. Then something happened that changed things for Tina […]

Chronic Mystery Illness? Could be an Injured Limbic System


Some chronic illness symptoms caused by faulty brain signals Some absolutely amazing findings coming from recent neurobehavioral and psychology research are unraveling a fabric of mystery which is demonstrating that a number of symptoms of “mystery Illnesses” like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity and electromagnetic frequency sensitivity may be significantly generated by faulty […]

What is ElectroSmog and The Impacts it Could be Having on Your Health


By Dr. Wally Taylor The Many Conveniences of the 21st Century Digital Age May Come with a Price Don’t get me wrong.  As a “technology nerd,” I don’t know of too many people who have more of a love of things electronic than I do.  I am what people call an “early adopter” when it […]