Chronic Mystery Illness? Could be an Injured Limbic System


Some chronic illness symptoms caused by faulty brain signals

The number of chronically ill individuals continues to steadily increase.
The number of chronically ill individuals continues to steadily increase.

Some absolutely amazing findings coming from recent neurobehavioral and psychology research are unraveling a fabric of mystery which is demonstrating that a number of symptoms of “mystery Illnesses” like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity and electromagnetic frequency sensitivity may be significantly generated by faulty brain messages being generated from a Limbic System that has been injured by a variety of toxic insults including mold toxins, Lyme and associated persistent infections, toxic chemicals in air, food and water, psychological trauma and physical head injury.

NeuroPlasticity is able to completely eliminate Limbic System False Signals!

The amazingly wonderful associated discovery is that our brains are quite capable to “rewire” and recover using the principle of NeuroPlasticity.  This literally means that the brain can learn to reroute and reprogram the damaged areas allowing the associated symptoms to lessen and in many cases disappear.  This is not really different from the mechanism that allows the victim of a stroke to relearn to walk or talk.

Since the limbic system (which is made up of the cingulate gyrus, the amygdala, the hippocampus and the hypothalamus) acts as a control center for the autonomic nervous system, the immune system, the endocrine system and the digestive system, many physical signs, symptoms and abnormal lab findings may be directly caused by false or inappropriate limbic system messages to the rest of the body.

At Forum Health Austin our goal is to identify the environmental toxic triggers that have led to limbic system disorder sometimes referred to as a Limbic System Trauma Loop.  First priority is to stop further exposure to the toxins.  For example, we might find that there is toxic indoor mold in a person’s home, school or workplace and we would make every attempt to stop further exposure.  Perhaps a person’s drinking water is tainted with lead or pesticides.  Again we try to eliminate these exposures.  Next, it is necessary to use the body’s natural means of toxin elimination (kidneys, liver, sweat glands, bowel elimination, immune system) to clear the body’s stored toxins and harmful germs as best we can.

We are learning that even once toxins have been significantly reduced, the limbic system may still remain “stuck in a rut”.  A good analogy would be when a circuit breaker breaks from too much current demand.  You can unplug the excessive appliances, but the system doesn’t work until the circuit breaker is RESET.

Removal of Toxins Helps but Limbic System Reset Often Needed

There are two successful ways to reset or reprogram the damaged limbic system that we have been working with at Forum Health Austin.

Annie Hopper from Victoria, Canada has developed a system of behavioral training which she has named the Dynamic Neural Retraining System.  You can find out more about it at her website-  Her system has helped many people recover from complex “mystery” illness.  Please check out some of the Success Stories on her webpage.

Neurobiofeedback scientists and clinicians are perfecting modalities that combine monitoring brain electromagnetic waves (EEG) with reward systems such as using brain signals to alter the color and sound loudness of a movie DVD.  In Austin, Lynda Kirk and associates at Austin Biofeedback and EEG Neurofeedback Center offer the most advanced devices and protocols to retrain the limbic system in a way that leads to resolution of symptoms and improvement in brain function.  You can learn more about their approach at

