Our mission at Forum Health Austin is to help an individual regain true health and wellness that they have been unable to achieve. Often a variety of different attempts that usually involve visits to any number of health care providers both traditional and non-traditional have not provided the answers and results that our guests are seeking. It is not at all unusual for our patients to have seen 5-10 practitioners over a period of years without getting meaningful answers. We see our role as modern day medical Sherlock Holmes.
To help our patients we have to become health and wellness detectives. Our approach to health restoration starts with a very thorough history of the guest’s prior symptoms, treatments, and environmental exposures. A careful physical examination is often helpful in revealing additional clues to solving the case. We must learn about the guest’s family tendencies for a variety of diseases. Due to individual variation in susceptibility to disease from environmental triggers that are mediated by genes, we find that many of our guests get sick from environmental triggers that may not cause any symptoms in others around them who are exposed to the same triggers.
What Are the Symptoms of Chronic Illness Caused by Exposure to Environmental Toxins?
Persons who suffer from a multitude of symptoms involving multiple systems often have Environmental Illness. Headaches, Brain Fog, Confusion, Extreme Fatigue, Joint Pain, Muscle Pain, Symptoms of Irritable Bowel, Bloating, Diarrhea, Abdominal Pain, Anxiety, Panic Attack, Depression, Weakness, Numbness and Tingling, Insomnia/Trouble Sleeping, Intolerance of Exercise, Loss of Focus, Poor Libido, Tremulousness, Rapid or Irregular Heartbeat, Hormone Imbalance, Abnormal Periods, Infertility can all be seen with toxin exposure to both manmade and biological toxins (Biotoxins).
Are You the Proverbial CANARY IN THE COALMINE?
To use an analogy- like the tiny bird that would become ill at the first sign of poisonous gas in a coal mine, our patients are like A Canary in a Coalmine. They are the first to experience illness from toxic environmental exposure from various sources. As we further degrade our environment more and more individuals are becoming Canaries!
Are You Being Exposed to the Same Agents Used for Biological Warfare?
We have found that the various triggers of illness often include a variety of biotoxins given off by a variety of germs in the environment. Many viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, and parasites produce powerful toxins that have been shown to cause on-going chronic disease. In fact the concept of biological warfare is based on the potency and lethality of many of these biotoxins. Identification of the presence and actions of a variety of biotoxins explains some of the illness that we see in our daily practice.
If we identify that biotoxins are playing a triggering role in our guest’s illness, the first step in recovery is to help to remove on-going exposure to further biotoxin. This may involve modifying an individual’s home or work environment (as in the case of toxic black mold associated with a water damaged building). This may involve modification of a guest’s diet or lifestyle.
The next major goal is to assist the guest in elimination of biotoxins from the body. This process often involves taking steps to improve the body’s own system of detoxification. Many of our patients that suffer chronic disease from biotoxins have inherited suboptimal detoxification ability. In many cases this can be at least in part overcome by taking the appropriate natural steps such as replacing necessary vitamins and other nutrients needed for optimal biotoxin elimination.
In some cases anti-infective medicines may be helpful in eliminating the germs that are producing the biotoxins. We have found that the use of natural anti-infective agents such as natural herbs are often as effective as prescription medicines in accomplishing this goal.
If you or someone you know is suffering from persistent unexplained symptoms involving multiple systems and multiple different symptoms, it is quite possible that biotoxins are playing at least a partial role. At Forum Health Austin we provide a caring and compassionate approach to diagnosis and treatment with a constant awareness of cost and risk as we strive to provide answers for chronic illness. We welcome the opportunity to serve as your Medical Sherlock Holmes.
Wally Taylor MD
Dr. Taylor practices integrative medicine at Forum Health Austin in Austin, Texas. After obtaining a general medical doctorate degree from University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas he completed a general medical internship and residency training in head and neck surgery ENT and allergy. After 20 years of service in the US Army Medical Corps and practice in Colorado and Texas he founded Texas Integrative now Forum Health Austin where he now offers a functional holistic approach to disease which treats the entire individual instead of each separate symptom. He has a special interest in precision genome-based healing of chronic inflammation-caused illness and anti-aging. He has found more satisfying results using this Systems BioIndividualized approach. Dr. Taylor recently published GOT TO SHINE-A Guidebook for True Health and Sustained Wellness in the 21st Century available in the Amazon bookstore.