Get Answers to Your Mystery Symptoms
Suffering from undiagnosed symptoms is not normal.
- Chronic Fatigue
- Anxiety and Depression
- Headache, Joint and Muscle Pain
- Brain Fog and Memory Loss
- Loss of Appetite and Digestive Issues
- Hormone Imbalance
We believe you. We can help from wherever you are.
Understanding Mystery Illness is Complex
Get expert guidance to uncover the root cause of your mystery illness. Sometimes the answer is not straightforward. It can be the combined exposure to environmental toxins, nutritional sensitivities, toxic life experiences, chronic infections and inflammation that makes you sick. Some of the top chronic illnesses that contribute to symptoms of mystery illness:
- Lyme Disease
- Hypochlorhydria, Low Stomach Acid
- Mold Infection
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Cardio Metabolic Syndrome
- Chronic Viral Infections
- GI Issues
- Chronic Active Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV)
Forum Health’s leading experts help patients recover from environmental and mystery illnesses and are available to work with you, from wherever you are via Telehealth.
Hear from two providers, Dr. Wally Taylor and Dr. Clayton Bell, as they discuss the latest, cutting-edge testing to uncover the root cause of complex illnesses that conventional medicine often misses, provide a deeper understanding of your health challenges, and offer advanced treatments to help you heal.
Get answers from wherever you are with our Telehealth solutions.
An estimated 25 million Americans have an undiagnosed condition and nearly half the population suffers from at least one chronic illness, often experiencing mystery symptoms with little to no relief that can be incredibly frustrating and painful.
Our Mystery Illness Program Addresses
Some of your illnesses may have not even started with you! Genetics influence the expression of genes in your body and that affects how you respond to your environment, food, stress and more. We test genetic markers that are key for things like methylation to determine how best to support your body’s natural detox pathways and what nutritional supplementation to add to your recovery program.
Toxic life experiences can have a lasting impact on your overall health and impair your immune system function. These experiences can be ongoing from work or family life, so learning how to best support your body through them is key to minimizing the symptoms of long-term stress.
Exposure to Toxins
Mold, heavy metals, bacteria, and toxins are all around you. In your home and workplace, in the food you eat and water you drink, and even in the products you use daily. Evaluating what you are constantly exposed to offers insight into harmful toxins affecting your health.
Gut Health
Even when you think you’re eating healthily, you may be doing more harm than good. Nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivity and an imbalanced gut can wreak havoc on your body leaving you boated, fatigued or with irritable bowels.
Chronic Infections
Lyme disease, Epstein-Barr virus and related infections can be life-long. You may have been diagnosed with a chronic infection or find yourself constantly coming down with every virus or bug going around or have an overactive immune system responding with allergy-like symptoms.
Forum Health's Approach
Our industry-leading healthcare providers serve patients with a root cause approach to care and have decades of functional and integrative medicine experience drawn from areas in anti-aging, environmental medicine, chronic disease, lifestyle medicine, and much more.
Our Providers:
- Are passionate about helping people unlock their body's natural capacity for healing, allowing them to be seen and heard on a physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual levels.
- Combine cutting-edge functional and integrative medicine treatments with holistic lifestyle recommendations and use the latest advanced testing to identify the underlying causes of complex illness.
- Believe that optimizing vitality and health lies with empowering encouraging and engaging the person to heal themselves from the inside out
Get answers from wherever you are with our Telehealth solutions.
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Chronic fatigue and inflammation are influenced by environmental factors. It's important to note that these factors can interact in different ways for different individuals, key environmental factors that are commonly associated with contributing to chronic fatigue and inflammation include: stress, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, exposure to toxins in the air, heavy metals, pesticides, and chemicals; poor sleep, infections, chronic inflammation, mental health issues, chronic pain, and hormone imbalances.
The brain's threat response, triggered by accumulated toxins and toxic experiences, leads to mitochondrial shutdown, causing fatigue. It also increases immune sensitivity, potentially leading to inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune responses.
Yes, brain retraining programs based on neuroplasticity can be beneficial. Various programs like DNRS, safe and sound protocol, tapping, meditation, yoga, and even psychedelic medicine can promote neuroplasticity, potentially reducing threat responses and enhancing overall well-being.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can be reactivated, but its presence doesn't necessarily lead to symptoms. Many people have EBV without symptoms. Reactivation could occur due to various triggers, and symptoms might include fatigue, sore throat, fever, and muscle aches.
Standard Lyme tests may produce false negatives. If you suspect Lyme disease and your test was negative, consider seeking a healthcare provider experienced in Lyme disease. More comprehensive testing, like indirect antibody testing and PCR, may provide accurate results.
If you've exhausted various approaches and still face chronic illness, it's important to consider potential overlooked factors. Working with a knowledgeable healthcare professional to explore less conventional triggers like electromagnetic radiation, toxins, and personal sensitivities could offer insights and solutions.
Detoxing from mold involves various steps. Focus on avoidance of exposure first. Intestinal binders, like activated charcoal or calcium D-glucarate, aid in toxin elimination. Enhancing glutathione levels, maintaining hydration, quality sleep, stress reduction, and using saunas can all contribute to effective detox.
While professional mold inspections are often recommended for accurate assessment, you can consider at-home options like ERMI testing kits or DIY mold plates. However, consulting professionals with expertise in environmental medicine is crucial for effective mold assessment and remediation.
Without a gallbladder, bile release is continuous, impacting detoxification. Intestinal binders like pectin, zeolite, or modified citrus pectin can still be effective for mold detox. Working with a healthcare provider to determine appropriate binders and dosages is recommended.